Creators: Michael Blinov, David Stone, Elizabeth Sztul
Submitter: Michael Blinov
An online collaborative project incubator for quantitative cell biologists
and computational modelers
• Keynotes by Angela DePace, Wallace Marshall, and Rob Phillips
• Project presentations by selected cell biologist/modeler pairs
• Feedback and advice from a panel of computational experts
• Meet-a-Modeler opportunities to consult with experts one-on-one
• Poster session, lightning talks, and Pecha Kucha
• Virtual speed networking, inter- and intradisciplinary group chats
Creators: David Stone, Elizabeth Sztul
Submitter: Michael Blinov
Abstract of NSF award for Finding Your Inner Modeler workshop series
Creator: David Stone
Submitter: Michael Blinov
An online collaborative project incubator for quantitative cell biologists
and computational modelers
• Keynotes by Angela DePace, Wallace Marshall, and Rob Phillips
• Project presentations by selected cell biologist/modeler pairs
• Feedback and advice from a panel of computational experts
• Meet-a-Modeler opportunities to consult with experts one-on-one
• Poster session, lightning talks, and Pecha Kucha
• Virtual speed networking, inter- and intradisciplinary group chats • NSF
Creator: David Stone
Submitter: Michael Blinov
This is the agenda for the third part of an NSF-sponsored workshop titled “Finding Your Inner Modeler.”
Creator: David Stone
Submitter: Michael Blinov